Equine assisted Therapy

Shine Bright Equine Assisted Therapy caters for children, young people and adults with various needs. The horse is a great mediator when people are unable to express or access their emotions.
Anne-Katrin strives to help people overcome disorders who often find it difficult to consciously perceive their own bodies. In sessions, the horse approaches the person without judgement, triggers actions and reactions and is a motivator. Physically, mentally and spiritually they will experience long forgotten abilities again and thus heal the imbalance within themselves.
In this way people can release themselves from old limitations, create positive relationships and find their natural flow.
Shine Bright Equine Human Services
- Individually tailored EAT sessions for all ages and needs
- Holistic approach
- Experienced horses/ponies and safe facilities
Horses listen silently, live in the “here and now” and perceive the most subtle moods, inner conflicts and unconscious desires in our body language.
“Currently provide services to private, self and plan managed NDIS Participants.”
- 10 Week Shine Bright Private Equine Assisted Therapy Programs are for people:
- on the Autism spectrum
- with ADHD, Down Syndrome and Selective Mutism,
- experiencing anxiety, depression, eating disorders
- impacted by domestic or intimate partner violence
- Addiction, Abuse, Emotional Dysregulation etc.
Private Equine Assisted Therapy programs run for 10 week duration with a once a week secured 90 minutes PEAT session (60 minutes face to face and 30 minutes pre and post preparation of horse, the session and case planning, making session notes).
What is involved:
- Experiential approach Getting to know each other and the farm environment
- Observation of horses, behaviour and communication
- Meeting with horses at liberty in field or round yard setting
- Lead-line experiences including touching, grooming and leading,
- Led-mounted
- Creative experiential activities individual with horse
- Connection with the outdoors and horses
Programs run from Tuesdays to Saturdays to make an initial booking.
Click here to:
- Register your new Profile
- Sign-in to view your current Sessions
- View Current Price list and Services
Once you have registered, please email info@shinebrightequine.com.au .